e-Nable Cyborg Beast Hand Print

Cyborg Beast hand

More Progress

Having success printing out the cyborg beast hand, but it is turning out to be more work than the raptor hand. It turns out that the handomatic web-app doesn't necessarily contain the latest design available. Actually not sure what the latest design is, but there several variations out there. The design available on the handomatic doesn't contain tensioning block/system on the gauntlet. I found some comments on eNable's google+ page mentioning that it is supposed to use a commercial ski boot type of tensioner, but I couldn't find any details about it and frankly didn't feel like scouring the interwebz to try to figure it out.

Oddly enough, I did feel like spending time trying to add a tension block to the existing gauntlet that we have already printed. This also turned into a protracted exercise, taking many hours and a couple of iterations. Much longer than I cared for. In the end, I've got something that seems like it will work, but for the next iteration I will try out the Frankie Flood gauntlet design recommend by 3DUNIVERSE.

Gauntlet tensioner iterations

Gauntlet Frankie Flood

In addition to lack of tensioner, the cyborg beast hand uses Chicago screws for all the connections. Since the models is scaled, all the holes end up scaled and require being drilled out to accommodate the screws. I also need to shorten the post for the knuckles by 1/4" as standard off the shelf lengths are either just barely too short... or too long.


Planning to stick to printing just raptor hands for the next opportunities that come up. They are simply just easier and faster to assemble.

My main goal in doing all this is that I hope to inspire the kids receiving these hands to know that they could develop the skills to print out and even design hands on their own. Really to empower and inspire them to be able to this on their own. With that in mind, I can print them their first raptor hand, and if they want a different design, we can teach them how to print their own. It's literally about enabling their future... www.enablingthefuture.org